4 Embodied Ways to Heal Your Throat Chakra

Image via Mind Body Green

Image via Mind Body Green

“No one ever listens to me!” 


For a long time, I lived that reality. I rarely felt truly seen or heard in relationships. I often felt like I was talking into the wind. 


That is all throat chakra stuff calling to be healed: something that continues to be a big part of my karmic journey in this life.


Waking up to my throat chakra

I remember the first time I heard the suggestion that I might have throat chakra healing to do. It was many years ago, before I really learned anything alternative. 


I had thyroid cancer when I was 26, and a total thyroidectomy (my thyroid was removed), and radiation to my thyroid tissue. Meaning I literally had part of my throat chakra cut out of my body and irradiated. 


A couple years afterwards, referring to my cancer, a friend asked me, “Have you considered that you might need throat chakra healing?”


I definitely had not considered it. 


While I didn’t immediately dismiss the idea, when I read about the throat chakra and how it is related to using your voice, I thought, “nah, that can’t be relevant to me.” 


(Spoiler alert, it is totally relevant to me.)


I didn’t really think about it again until my awakening happened (that sounds so woo but I don’t know any other way to describe it!) and I started dredging up lifetimes of shit into my consciousness to be integrated and healed.


Since then, I keep meeting things related to my throat chakra again and again in different ways. 


  • Knowing what my truth is

  • Claiming my truth

  • Expressing my truth

  • Allowing my authentic self to be truly seen 

  • Feeling heard + understood

  • Using my voice and my words to create 

  • Using my voice to claim space

  • Setting clear boundaries

  • Claiming and manifesting authentically aligned desires


These are all things that come with having an open and clear throat chakra.

Throat chakra + Feminine Rising


I’m sure you can probably relate to a lot of this because I believe throat chakra healing is a big part of the feminine rising that is happening right now. If you’re incarnated as a womxn in this lifetime, and you’re at all conscious, you have probably encountered throat chakra stuff on your journey. 


It’s part of healing the witch wound, and unwinding the patriarchal colonization of the feminine where womxn’s wisdom and voices were suppressed and repressed. Where it was not safe to be a womxn with a powerful voice. 


For many of us, we are the first in our lineage to break free and begin the process of claiming our truth, our desires, our voices, and our space. 


This work is messy and uncomfortable and scary at times. Speaking from experience, it’s intense as hell when you can feel the energy of so many women and ancestors channeling through you to be freed. It can be destabilizing to relationships when your throat chakra is wide open.


Yet we do this work not only for ourselves, but to liberate our lineage. Those who came before, and our daughters, and their daughters. We do it to break karma. 

We do it to birth a new culture by embodying a new way of being.


It’s empowering as f*ck!


What’s so important about the throat chakra?


The throat chakra is the gateway between the upper chakras of spirit, thought, and ideas, and the lower chakras of grounding into reality. It’s the beginning of how our thoughts are made manifest in the 3D by speaking them into being. It’s how we start to manifest our desires and achieve our goals. The throat chakra also holds the vibration of embodied truth that arises from the lower chakras – our root, sacral, and solar plexus. 


It’s the chakra of our sound vibration, which has the power to create or destroy. Our words can alter reality. They can hurt or they can heal. Our words have power in and of themselves. 


Our sound vibration is part of how the microclimate of our lives comes into harmony with the resonance of our embodied being.

How we are BE-ing creates our experience of life more than anything else.

Sound vibration throughout time 

Historically, many traditions acknowledge the enormous power of words. Quite a few creation myths even begin with sound vibration setting the creative matrix of the universe in motion. 


You’ve probably heard the Bible proclaim, “In the beginning was the Word.” The Hindu tradition says, “In the beginning was Brahman, with whom was the Word.” The Vedas say creation arose from the sound Aum – the primordial sound of the universe. Ancient Egyptians believed the god “Thot” created the world with his voice. In the Mayan tradition, the first humans came alive by the power of the word.


Humans have long known this shit is important!


We’ve just collectively forgotten the significance of having a clear throat chakra and how to get there. But this wisdom is returning and womxn are waking up and remembering, and the energy of the throat chakra is coming to the surface to be healed, both individually and collectively.


Everything you do to heal and open your own throat chakra creates ripples in the collective grid.


Ok, so I know you’re wondering at this point how do I heal my throat chakra? Crystals? Energy medicine? Acupuncture? 


I’ve tried all of the above, and there are amazing benefits from all of them to be sure. But the most potent and impactful for me, and what I want to share with you today, are embodied ways of healing.


As I said before, what we are embodying - how we are BE-ing – is what creates our experience of life.


4 Steps to Embodied Throat Chakra Healing


1. Connect with and embody your truth. 


This is where it all begins. In order to express your truth, you must first claim and acknowledge your truth. You must embody your truth. 


And in order to do that, you must first KNOW what your authentic truth is. 


And you discover that by connecting with the divine flow of life that manifests through the temple of your body. 


Isn’t that beautiful and powerful?!


There’s no guru. There’s no healer. There’s no church. There is only the sacred vessel of your body through which you have a physical experience of your soul + your truth. 


The problem is, most of us are out of practice with connecting to our inner wisdom. We’ve been conditioned to ignore our bodies for generations. Taught that our bodies were an afterthought or a liability to progress – that they are expendable.


So reconnecting takes some practice. Unwinding the layers of tension and conditioning on top of our truth is a process and a journey. 


I believe it’s one of the most important devotions any of us can be doing, which is why I teach embodiment skills and support womxn on this path of self-healing and discovery. 


When you connect with your deepest truth, and claim it within your own being, only then can you express it out into the world in an embodied way. 


2. Explore making sounds.


This was a challenging one for me, and for many of the womxn I work with. 


It’s not too hard to get someone to try an embodied movement practice or breathwork. But to explore sounding can be confronting.

It can feel really strange, vulnerable, and even unsafe to make sounds. Especially since womxn have often been harmed or punished for using their voices, even today.


But in my experience, this is such an important part of healing and opening the throat chakra. 


You can start slow and gentle, by simply taking a deep breath and making an audible exhale: “Haaaaaaaah.”

After a few minutes of playing with that, you might begin to unearth some frozen tension lodged in your body, and you might see if you feel inspired to growl, yell, moan, or laugh out loud.


Let your voice and expression become wild and free again, and let your sound arise from what’s present inside your body.


3. Speak your yes/no (start simple).


Quite often as womxn, we are the caretakers for everyone else, and we put ourselves, and our desires and needs, aside. We do this so readily, and it’s so pervasive in our culture, that we often don’t even realize we are doing it. Over time we begin to lose our own identities.  


For many womxn, the first clue is some kind of awakening where they realize they don’t have a clear sense of who they are or what they want out of life. 


Start really simply by speaking out loud your yes and your no. 


How many times have you said, “whatever is fine with me; you can choose; it doesn’t matter to me,” when really you did care deep down, you just didn’t want to be “difficult.” 


I invite you to try instead: Yes, I want that, that feels good to me. And no, I don’t want that, that’s not going to work for me.

Explore and see what happens. 


4. Pussy + cervix de-armoring & sexual energy work in general.


You might be confused – what does your pussy have to do with your throat chakra?! Stick with me here!


If you’re a woman who has birthed a babe before, you might remember from your labor preparation classes or a book that when you make a low uuuuhhhhhhh sound and your throat and jaw are open and relaxed, it helps your cervix and vaginal tissues open and relax to allow the baby to descend.

Your cervix and your throat are connected, physically via the vagus nerve which runs from the cervix up through your heart and your throat, and energetically as holographic portals. 


If you look at an illustration of the musculature of the throat/vocal chords and the pelvis/cervix, they even look quite similar. The two go hand in hand, and healing happens in tandem. 


If you have a blocked throat chakra, chances are really good that you have some sexual energy blocks, and vice versa. 


And when you begin to unwind tension in one, the other also responds. 


If you start working with sexual energy, you’ll notice things related to your throat chakra coming to the surface. Pussy and cervical de-armoring is a fast track to opening your throat chakra. 


I might even go as far as to argue that you can’t go very far with one while neglecting the other.

  • You can only go so far in working with your sexual energy if your throat chakra is still blocked;

  • You can only clear your throat chakra to the extent you have worked through sexual healing. 


You can’t fully claim your truth or your DESIRE if you are not fully embodying your sexual energy, which is the life force energy from which all creation is born. 


You can’t fully ground or manifest your truth or desire into the 3D reality if you’re cut off from your sexual energy (root chakra).


And you can’t fully open the divine feminine portals of pleasure, wisdom, and creation in your pussy, cervix, and womb if your throat chakra is closed and blocked. 


As above, so below. Healing one means healing the other!


I’ll be talking more about pussy de-armoring in a future article so make sure you subscribe below so you don’t miss a thing.


So tell me, what are you taking from this? Is throat chakra healing a part of your journey? How do you feel about the idea of sounding, or pussy de-armoring? Let me know in the comments!


And if you desire more support, I hope you’ll sign up for one of my mini-sessions where you can get a taste of embodiment work and get all your questions answered! 

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