Smash the Patriarchy By Organizing Your Life in an Embodied Feminine Way (Part 1/2)
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What if I told you it’s possible to end overwhelm and break free from burn-out while inviting more ease and pleasure into your life, and that this solution is completely free and accessible to everyone?
What if I told you it’s possible to organize your life in a way that feels super nourishing and deeply honors your body and soul?
Sound too good to be true?
De-Program Your Inner Patriarchy
My friends, we are all coming out of the collective hangover of patriarchal oppression that’s been dominant in the last era on this planet. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that this pandemic only highlights the shadow side of the hyper-masculine world we live in – capitalist systems of exploiting underpaid labor, reliance on consumerism, the concentration of wealth, privilege and power in the hands of a few (mostly cis white men).
You’ve heard about all this already, especially if you are on a path of personal growth. Perhaps you even intuited it yourself.
Overextending ourselves is part of this system of oppression: working too much, always being busy, and rushing from one commitment to the next. Expected to always produce the same output day after day… in fact, continuing to produce more and more as time goes on.
We are expected to produce and exist in the world on pretty much the same level every day without fail. And our world is all set up on a 24-hour repeating cycle, because that is how a male hormonal cycle runs.
The expectation that women (and everyone else who doesn’t identify as a cis man) are simply “little men” and should do and be everything the same as a man is also part of this patriarchal repression and oppression.
I’m taking a stand for breaking free of this programming!
You don’t have to organize your life this way, and I can tell you from personal experience that it’s so freeing when you opt out and choose a more feminine, embodied path instead.
When we are disembodied we are cut off from our own natural rhythms and cycles. We are not attuned to the rhythms and cycles of nature and Mama Earth.
Our overculture wants us disembodied because we are easier to influence – distracted and numb, searching for a quick fix, entertainment, food, or more stuff in order to feel something (or not feel something). In that state we don’t question how we are living, or who or what we are living for. We just keep struggling along, wondering why we never seem to “arrive” and why the moments of flow and bliss are so infrequent.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
You can awaken the ancient wisdom in your body of cyclic feminine living by designing your life around your hormonal cycle and around the lunar and seasonal cycles of nature. And anyone can do this, no matter what your gender identity.
If you are a cis woman with a hormonal cycle, all aspects of your feminine being, from your energy levels and motivation, to your mood, appetite, desire, and more, all shift from week to week on a roughly 28-day loop, and not so much on a daily basis like the male pattern. Understanding this and shifting how you organize your life towards a monthly and seasonal cycle where each week + quarter is different is a radical way of breaking free of patriarchal repression.
If you aren’t a cis woman, you can still live in a more cyclic way by aligning your unique energies with the rhythms of nature and the moon.
Organizing your life according to *your* personal cycles is a key practice for awakening your feminine power. It’s so important for claiming space for your BE-ing in the world as an embodied womxn.
When you know your own unique cycle rhythms, you can live more in sync with them, creating greater flow and ease in your life. You can stop overextending, staying overly busy, and working too much by forcing yourself to match the dominant paradigm of productivity, and instead invite in more pleasure and deep fulfillment!
By understanding feminine cycles and learning your distinctive patterns, you embark on a deep journey to reclaim your full self. It also awakens your connection with your womb, your pussy, and your sexual energy, which hold the keys to your generative, creative, juicy vitality as a feminine being.
This is a path of remembering and awakening to the cyclic rhythms expressed within us, and reflected outside of us.
Like nesting dolls, our personal cycles occur inside monthly lunar cycles, annual seasonal cycles, and the pulsing of the cosmos. We learn the beauty of these cycles within cycles, and come to know our place within them. In this way, we feel grounded and connected to the collective feminine wisdom, to each other, and to the earth.
So how do you break free from the dominant paradigm and begin to live in a cyclic way that honors the feminine?
You pay attention to your hormonal cycles and/or the cycles of the moon & seasons.
You begin to organize your life according to the four “seasons” of your cycle, the lunar cycle, and the year.
Stay with me cause I’m going to walk you through how to do this!
An Act of Self-Love & Reclamation
One of the ways the feminine has been suppressed and controlled is through denial of our periods and disconnection from our menstrual cycles.
Like many of you, I imagine, when I passed over the threshold of womanhood, I learned that my hormonal cycle was an annoyance to be managed as best I could so that I could continue on normally.
The messaging of the dominant culture is:
Don’t let your period stop you from doing anything.
Don’t let anyone know when you are bleeding.
Don’t talk about your cycle or menstruation.
Pretend it’s not happening- carry on with all of your normal tasks.
Take medications so that your period is less inconvenient.
If anything is out of the ordinary, go on the pill to regulate your cycle.
You have to manage or suppress your PMS.
Don’t inconvenience other people with your “moods”.
Basically, ignore your cycle, or at least the second half of it, hope your period or PMS ends soon, and get on with things as if nothing is happening.
To fully claim our power as women we are invited to peel back the layers of shame and guilt and cultural conditioning around our cycles and menstruation and to fully reclaim our cyclical feminine power.
Taking the time to reflect and understand your cycle is an act of self-love. A reclaiming of your essential nature. It’s also a practical tool that gives you greater agency and command of your life.
In Part 2, I will tell you exactly how to work with the seasonal energies of your cycle and how to invoke the power of each phase in organizing your life.
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What questions do you have about cyclic embodied feminine living? Send me a message or leave me a comment!