The Step of Faith (or How to Find Your Purpose...)


When I first started my journey as a coach and embodiment teacher, I didn’t know anything about my “purpose” or if coaching was a part of it (spoiler: it is). I had this crazy impulse and I went towards it, and then started to find out on the way that this was some kind of conversation I was having with the universe - a call and response with something that wanted to move through me into the world. 

A sort of “soul quest,” if you will.

I still couldn’t tell you for sure what my “purpose” in this life is, but I know now that we don’t figure that out sitting in contemplation. 

That’s what we WANT to happen: we figure some stuff out FIRST, get some assurance that this is real and it’s leading somewhere; and THEN we get into action. 

But in my experience that’s not how it goes. 

As the great storyteller & mythologist Martin Shaw says, “We make the road by walking it.” 

We make the road. We make it, we don’t discover it.

By. Walking. It. 

Maybe you’re old enough to have seen Harrison Ford’s “step of faith” scene in the Indiana Jones movies…

The working definition I have for my “purpose” at the moment is to hold a certain kind of space for people who are on their own “soul quests”. To guide them as they go into the forest of their own subterranean realms, being beckoned by some crazy impulse or another, and emerge transformed. 

My role is not to interpret any of this journey for them. Rather, it’s to reflect back to them what they’ve seen and experienced and hold space for their own unfolding. 

When the soul is beckoning, for most people the hard part is not hearing the impulse. It’s saying “YES” to taking that first step of faith, and then another, and another, without being able to see the road ahead or the destination. 

One of the things that held me back from saying yes for the longest time was this sense that it would be too much work

I was already overwhelmed with my smaller life; how would I possibly manage a bigger destiny?! I was already stressed and at capacity managing things as they were, how could I possibly take on more? Isn’t it going to require MORE of me to do this thing? 

And where exactly is that time and energy going to come from?! 

I almost had a sense that if I said yes to the impulse that wanted to move through me, it would take and take from me, and leave me drained and brittle, a husk with all the marrow and juice sucked dry.

Trust me when I say I did not go down lightly in this process! So much resistance, so much doubt, so many questions, but I now have a great secret I can share with you…

but this wisdom is just too much for one article. So please head to part two, linked below, where I’ll explain everything about what to do if it feels like it’s going to be too much work to pursue your dreams and desires.

In the meantime, we’re going to be working with how to find your purpose, hear your soul’s calling, and say YES to the “quest” you’re being beckoned to in my new workshop series Creatrix. 

In four half-day online workshops (one a month for the next four months), we are going to unlock your creative power. This is NOT just for artists & entrepreneurs. This is for ANYONE who wants to create anything powerful or beautiful with their lives, whether that’s a home, a relationship, a child, prosperity, or just a really great dinner.

Each workshop is $55 or you can book onto all 4 for just $176 and save a huge 20% on your booking!

⏰ When: 

  • December 4, January 8, February 11, March 5

  • 3 - 7 pm London / 10 am - 2 pm New York / 7 am - 11 am Los Angeles

📍 Where: 

Live Online, from the comfort of your own home (note - there will not be a recording, these workshops will only be taught live.)


I will lead us through a variety of explorations specifically designed to call forth the wisdom of the body - journaling, meditation, and embodiment practice. 

We will use somatic non-linear movement to bring each exploration through the lens of your own body. In these processes you will find your own entry points & portals to the unique wisdom YOU need. 

We will have an opportunity to connect and deepen our explorations through talk processes in breakout rooms with other participants. 

There will be time to share, be witnessed, and learn from others in the space. Each group that gathers becomes an alchemical cauldron for unique magic to flow through.

And of course a Q&A with Me!

Click here for more info and to sign up.


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