It Was A Deeply Transformative Experience (One Woman's Story)


Sarah was in the middle of a divorce when she began working with me.


When she first reached out to me, she wasn’t even sure what exactly she wanted to work on together. She just knew that she needed some extra support and guidance. She was in what she described as “a period of general uncertainty.” 


Sarah was already in traditional therapy, and had been for many years, and it had helped her unpack some of her previous trauma and life experiences. But she felt that something was missing from her therapy sessions. 


She felt she had been successful in working through her past, but there was this missing piece about how to move forward into what she was becoming. 


She knew she needed something extra, more focused on getting clarity around this woman she was stepping into. She knew she wanted support and guidance to make the whole process fluid and easeful.


Through our work together, Sarah was able to get really clear about her desires and what she wanted out of life. She was able to connect with her own internal wisdom, arising from HER authentic truth. 


“I came away much more connected to my intuition and my ability to trust my instincts. I now have a sense of power over my story and my decisions. I developed the ability to care for myself better, both physically and emotionally.”


Sarah went from uncertain and chaotic to deeply connected to her intuition. Now, instead of feeling like life was often happening beyond her control, she feels empowered to tell her own story in her own way. 


“It was a deeply transformative experience in ways I couldn't even have described needing beforehand.”


Sarah’s entire perception of herself expanded during our time together. All of this potentiality existed inside her already. We simply brought all of the best tools and knowledge to the party to facilitate her growth and transformation. 


You have all this wild power and potential inside you too, but many of us are not taught the skills to access our feminine power & depth. That makes sense because we are coming from a world dominated by patriarchy, in which the feminine has been feared, repressed, suppressed, and judged as less-than.  


But the feminine is rising! You can see it in the #metoo movement, and in the way paradigms are shifting around gender, sexuality, and family and community dynamics. 


The foundations of the old ways are shifting to birth the new. And if you’re on this path of growth, then you’re part of this rising tide. 


You don’t have to do this on your own. The time is here for us to come together in collaboration. To co-create the future we are living into. 


“The best way I could describe it was I needed a "soul doula". In working with Michelle, that's exactly the kind of care I received. She is a deeply empathetic and a gentle, capable leader, and took me through exercises that expanded my entire perception of myself.” 

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