Finding the Balance Point Between Spirit and Body


I spent last weekend in teacher training, learning to guide deep embodied journeys into the heart. I’m so excited to offer this experience to you very soon! The heart is so central to the work I do. It is the balance point between spirit and body - the place where the soul comes alive. 

The heart has the largest electromagnetic field of any organ. Much larger than the brain, even. It can be measured up to 6 ft away from the body. And when we are near other people, our hearts come into coherence with each other, which also creates other coherent rhythms in our bodies: brainwave and breathing patterns, and even more subtle collective rhythms that bring us into resonance with everyone and everything around us. 

Of course it’s also the place where we experience love, beauty, and harmony. All great art and poetry is born of the heart. Basically, it’s really worth it to inhabit the heart more fully and come into greater intimacy with all of her textures, flavors, and richness.

What I noticed very clearly in this experiential training was how open and accessible my heart is to me. I was dissolving into bliss feeling how much love is available to me, and how much pleasure I can access in my body. I honestly felt so much gratitude for this - awe, even. I know this would not have been possible for me a few years ago. I am able to have these experiences because of my devotion to feminine practice and constantly re-calibrating and re-orienting myself to moving through the world in a different way.

I can remember the first day of my embodiment coach certification when my mentor asked us to feel into safety, and I was truly confused by the idea. My body did not feel like a safe place to be. When I dropped into my body what I found was a storm of grief, resentment, shame, and more. Because I took this journey, I know it’s possible for you too. I know how to hold space for you to unfold into this. And I’m here to hold a light on the path.

This work doesn’t promise to bring you to some awakened state where all is bliss. It doesn’t promise to make you comfortable forever. That’s not what this ride is about. But it does offer that you can weather what comes at the ocean’s surface with fluid grace, while staying anchored to the bone-deep truths in your heart. It does offer more access to richness, more range of expression, more clarity and wisdom. 

This is all yours already, you only need to remember. 

It’s ok that you forgot. I forget all the time too. This is why we engage in Rituals of Remembering (aka practice!). I have to constantly ask myself: where’s my breath… how’s my heart… can I feel her right now? Quite often that means I need to slow the fuck down. Where are we all rushing to anyway, my heart asks… life is HERE! Oh. Right. 

I will be guiding us to work directly with the heart very soon. In the meantime, come join us for embodiment practice in one of my Non-Linear Movement classes. This is where the paint meets the canvas. Our practice brings us from the realm of “nice ideas” and into the living and breathing of these things. These classes are where you get to have a direct experience of your own inner wisdom and engage with your own processes. The next one is on March 31st.

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