How to Enjoy the F*ck out of the Cosmic Orgasm of Reality
Join me in unraveling the mysteries of the universe, and unlocking the hidden depths of the human experience through embodiment! We journey from confronting the chaos of the unknown to embracing sensitivity and pleasure, as well as some practical tips that can revolutionize your life.
Embodiment is more than just a personal growth practice; it's a radical act of evolutionary consciousness. Discover how your inner work ripples out to shape the collective, and learn to expand your capacity to enjoy the cosmic ecstasy of existence.
Embark on a soulful journey that transcends the ordinary and awakens the extraordinary within you.
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Podcast Transcript:
Hey, everyone. Welcome, welcome. Today, I want to talk about the topic of why we want to do this work to become embodied. My early experiences with my body and being in my body are pretty common, and I think it's a good starting point. So, for me, my early experiences of being in my body were that it felt very out of control and unpredictable.
I had a serious illness in my twenties that made me feel like my body was just doing its own thing, and I didn't really... you know, I was very fit and everything, but I had cancer in my twenties. That was a significant experience for me, feeling like my body was not in control, not in control of my appetite, not in control of many of my desires.
My body, my emotions, and everything else just felt very unpredictable, very chaotic. Often, being inside my body felt very unsafe because it was unpredictable and hard to control, hard to know what was going to come next. When I started this journey of embodiment, I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into.
And the thing with embodiment is that we're opening ourselves up to feel. When we're going to feel, we'll feel whatever is there to be felt. And quite often, what's there to be felt is not very comfortable, especially in the beginning when we're not used to regularly exploring and acknowledging what's there, like taking a regular shower, rinsing out and feeling what's present.
There can be a lot of sticky stuff, and it can be super uncomfortable. So this embodiment journey is a path of sensitivity, and there are many practical benefits to that, which we're going to talk about. And those are great. They're like the gateway things that, for me, attract people to this work. But they're not the aspects of this that excite me the most.
So we're also going to discuss how this embodiment thing is a mystery path. It's a path to accessing all the secrets of the universe. It's a journey of soul-making. And it's also the quickest path I know to learning how to fully enjoy the cosmic orgasm of reality. So we'll talk about all of that. But first, I don't want to spend a lot of time on these practical benefits because I feel like they're things that you see all the time, and you're probably already aware of them.
But I do want to mention them because, you know, they're the things that attract people initially, and they're tangible and easier to grasp. For example, pleasure, accessing more pleasure. That was really my gateway drug into embodiment. I basically wanted to have more orgasms. So, you know, I somehow found my way into Layla Martin's work and was working with the jade egg, basically trying to have more pleasure, trying to enjoy my body and my sexuality more.
I didn't really understand that what I was doing was embodiment, but that was my gateway into this world where I was like, "I want more pleasure." Then I discovered this whole thing of embodiment, and I was like, "Oh, okay, let me see what else is here. Let me try some more stuff. Let me go deeper with this." So, like I said, I think it's a great access point for people.
And if that's you, maybe you're not ready for the cosmic orgasm yet, but maybe you just want to have more juice. Having more orgasms is something perfectly legitimate and a cool and acceptable path into the embodiment realm. So here are a few other practical benefits, aside from pleasure. This path of becoming more sensitive is a means of accessing more of ourselves.
We inhabit a body, and this body is really how we interact with this earthly
realm we live in. It's how we experience all of life and ourselves. Our concept of ourselves cannot be separated from our bodies. All our experiences are contextualized in what we can sense and feel in our bodies. So becoming more sensitive and opening up our bodies to feel and sense more is a way of opening the door to our wider self.
When we're numb to our bodies or numb to some of our experiences, when we have denied experiences or when we have frozen tension or trauma, which can come from actual traumatic events or just from living life on this planet, which can be super traumatizing, especially at the moment, those things become like walled-off places.
They prevent the essence of who we are and our wholeness from being fully experienced and flowing freely. Some aspects of ourselves can become frozen. Embodiment is a means of opening up and accessing more of ourselves, which also gives us more access to our power, our creativity, and all those things, as well as deeper relationships.
It provides us with a more rich experience of life in general. Being able to feel more of life makes it richer, juicier. It's like sinking our fingers into life and the experience of being alive, being in a body, rather than being numb. And these are skills. Most of us are skilled at scrolling on our phones all the time, which doesn't require our bodies to be engaged.
It only requires us to be in our heads, thinking, and our energy flowing into the screen. Many of us are out of the habit and lacking the skill to truly feel what's happening below the neck. When we work on those skills to feel more of what's happening from the neck down, it gives us more access to our intuition.
Our intuition is not some woo-hoo thing that only gifted or psychic people have. It's something that everybody has access to. Our intuition is partly pieces of information that our bodies and nervous systems pick up from the environment. We receive billions and billions of pieces of information all the time, and most of it gets filtered out because it would be overwhelming to pay attention to all of it.
But this is how we get a gut feeling about something or how we can sense someone looking at us on a train and then turning to find them staring at us. It's that kind of awareness that exists outside our conscious awareness, which we often struggle to grasp and lack clarity around. But the more we develop this embodied sensitivity and the skill to feel what's happening in our bodies, the more access we have to that intuition and those awarenesses that exist beyond our conscious realm.
We can tap into them more. This gives us greater clarity to navigate our lives, to know what we want, to understand our boundaries, to recognize where our self ends and another person begins, to be aware of our energetic boundaries, and to determine what is okay for us and what's not. When something happens that's not okay for us, we can sense and feel it early on, rather than getting entangled in a situation and realizing days later, "Oh, shit.
That was not okay for me. I wish I had spoken up in that moment, but I wasn't sure, or maybe I didn't have the courage to say something because I wasn't sure, even though I had a feeling something was off." It also provides us with more insight into who we are as individuals, our soul's journey, and understanding others.
These are all tangible things we can gain from doing this embodiment work. In my opinion, they make this work a hundred percent worth it, even if we just stop there and say, "Okay, I've gained better boundaries, more clarity, more access to my intuition, and a richer experience of life." Those are enough. You don't need to go any further.
For many people, that's sufficient, and it's totally fine. But for me, I get excited about some of the more esoteric, deeper, and mysterious aspects of the embodied journey. I'll frame it in terms of us being fractal holographs of the whole reality, the unified consciousness, embodied as individuals.
So, whatever we do, we literally can't do anything either within or without in our lives that doesn't affect the whole because we are all connected. We're connected with the whole, and because we're fractal holographs, the whole of reality is actually contained within each one of us.
So any kind of personal work that we do within ourselves affects the whole. And in that way, any of these practical benefits that I just spoke about, having a richer experience of life, having more clarity, all of those things that help us live a better life, live a more fulfilling and conscious life, they affect the whole. Even if you're not thinking about outward action or activism, the things we do within our own beings on this journey of soul-making affect the whole too.
So all of these positive benefits we experience affect the collective, making this embodiment work a very radical and revolutionary act. We're not only evolving ourselves here; we are literally evolving the collective on our embodiment journey. Our self-worth, our work, our personal growth is a revolutionary evolutionary action, which is inspiring to me.
Because these are the only things we can take with us when we leave this Earth realm — whatever kind of soul-making we did in this life. That, to me, is inspiring and exciting. It makes this embodiment work juicier and sweeter. But it doesn't stop there. By default, we are also affecting everybody we come into contact with in a practical sense.
Whether it's the cashier at the grocery store, our partners, or our children, when we experience these positive benefits, there's a spillover effect on everyone around us, literally everybody we come into contact with. It might even be just someone passing by on the street who sees us holding a certain frequency in our body or smiles at them in a certain way.
We often don't realize the effects we have on people and how our embodiment and what we carry around in our bodies and fields actually impacts others. This is the second esoteric aspect of the embodiment journey — we are better able to enjoy the cosmic ecstasy of being human, a soul incarnated on this planet in this Earth realm.
We live on a polarity planet, a realm of light and dark, masculine and feminine, winter and summer. Everything in this realm is a duality. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction; it's the yin and yang. There cannot be a whole without these opposing parts in balance. To be human is to experience the full spectrum of existence.
If we only orient ourselves towards pleasure and avoid discomfort, we are rejecting a whole half of ourselves and the human experience. Life includes darkness and all the uncomfortable aspects. It includes everything about being human. The embodiment journey teaches us how to be fully present with the entire range of human experience, not just the comfortable parts.
So how do we do that? How do we be in all of this? How do we be with those experiences that might be more undesirable? How do we fully embrace the human body and experience? Nobody teaches us how to do this, and our culture is fixated on only seeking positive experiences. But the reality is, if it were all about the ascension realm, we would have never left there.
We came to this Earth experience for a reason. We need to learn how to be fully divine, spiritual sparks in human bodies, experiencing all of this. It's quite an esoteric topic, but it's about enjoying the cosmic orgasm of reality and fully embracing this human experience.
Moving through it gracefully and with ease, finding enjoyment even in the 3D realm, the samsara, the Maya. That's something we can gain from the embodiment journey. And the third esoteric aspect I want to talk about is how we create and
birth new paradigms on this planet, which is my secret mission with this work.
We are undeniably in a huge transition period on this planet right now. Spiritual traditions have long talked about this time, predicting the end of eras and the move to a new Aeon. We are currently witnessing this with everything happening, such as the pandemic and other events.
This huge death phase that we're in, where a lot of our previous paradigms, institutions, and ways of being in the world are breaking down. They're either failing or in the process of just not being what we need as a collective anymore, and not being the solution to the problems we face as a collective anymore. But we haven't really gotten to the birth part of this yet. We are still very much in the death/transition phase on the planet right now.
But how do we birth these new paradigms? How do we create these new realities? The truth is that we literally walk them onto the planet through our bodies, through what we are carrying in our bodies. We actually don't create and manifest solely from the level of the mind. We create from the level of our being, from the level of our embodiment, from what we're carrying and holding in our bodies.
The mind is very good at accessing and pulling things out of the ethers, out of the visionary realms, but we have to then make that manifest in the 3D. And the only way to do that literally is through our bodies and, especially, through our hearts. Our awakened hearts are really the greatest tool we have and the portal between the ethereal and the 3D realms.
So we create the new paradigms first in the way we're being, and then they get created into the collective, and then they get created into the planet. Some of this embodiment journey, aside from accessing more sensitivity, self-knowledge, and inhabiting ourselves more fully, is awakening the codes in our bodies and activating the consciousness of what we are creating and how we are going about it.
We need to have these codes come alive in our bodies and walk them onto the Earth. That's why I recently released a breast massage course. The people who have tried it have given me beautiful feedback about how wonderful and touching these practices are. The course is super digestible, with none of the practices lasting more than five minutes. It includes four different practices that can be done together or individually.
The covert mission behind this breast massage course is to awaken within our bodies the new paradigms we want to birth onto the planet. A significant part of the course focuses on activating the heart and experiencing more love—self-love, infinite universal love, and self-honoring. Through this activation, we become walking channels or antennas for the codes of love, self-honoring, universal love, and unconditional love.
If you haven't checked out my breast massage course yet, I highly recommend you do so. It's only $37, which is a no-brainer. I made it super accessible because I believe that this work of paradigm birthing doesn't require much, but dedicating oneself to a practice where the codes of love come alive in the body is impactful and powerful. It is the medicine that our planet needs right now.
Before wrapping up, I want to mention that the embodiment journey is the truest path I know for waking up within the dream and discovering oneself as the creator of one's own reality. It builds upon what I previously mentioned about birthing the desired realities through our bodies. This is a more immediate, personal, and practical approach.
It involves an alchemical process, which is why I intentionally named my business "Embodiment Alchemy." Working with me one-on-one is an alchemical process, where we dissolve stuck patterns, traumas, old ways of being, and old identities. We delve into the goo phase of dissolution and then reconstitute into something completely different.
Many self-help approaches focus on going deep into uncovering what's there but miss the practical aspect of transformation and the process of re-coagulation. To effectively manifest and create what we
desire, we need to unify our conscious will, desires, and everything we hold in our bodies with our unconscious realms. Making the unconscious conscious is key to having agency over it and aligning it with our conscious desires.
My work with clients involves this process of making the unconscious conscious and the practical work of re-coagulating and creating what they are expanding into. It goes beyond therapy and therapeutic approaches, which are good at uncovering but often leave out the part of where we're going and what's next.
I hope you enjoyed this journey, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you for joining me, and if you're not ready for deep one-on-one work, I also offer single sessions called Soul Alchemy sessions. These intensive sessions allow us to go deep on a specific issue or area of your life, whether it's work, creativity, relationships, parenting, or anything else. Thank you for being here, and I'm sending all of you so much love.